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LD Seth Bernstein Illuminates H&M and Mugler Collaboration Celebration in NYC with 4Wall Gear

New York, NY - 4Wall Entertainment recently provided a lighting rental package to KCD Worldwide for a unique hybrid event at Manhattan's Park Avenue Armory, celebrating the H&M and Mugler collaboration. The event combined various elements, including sound, style, live performance, club culture, and dance. Lighting Designer Seth Bernstein utilized a 4Wall lighting rental package for the event, which consisted of a concert, catwalk, and party.
Planning for the show began in February with a series of concept renderings from Niklas Bildstein Zaar. From the beginning, they looked at layers of concentric circles and arc shapes that filled the space from the tops of the video walls to the rafters of the armory. "It was also discussed from day one that we would reveal the technology as much as possible," explained Lighting Designer Seth Bernstein. "The trusses and cables themselves were to be treated as textures to shine lights through, instead of something to hide."
Bernstein always designs to ensure that every fixture and position can serve multiple purposes.
"I always insist on a Depence pre-vis process so we can really look at the show from every angle to explore possibilities before we get on set and the surprises start."
Bernstein utilized a 4Wall rental package for the event, highlighted by (115) CHAUVET Professional COLORado PXL Bar 16, (56) GLP JDC1, (96) ARRI SkyPanels, 874' of Tyler Truss Systems LLC GT Truss, and more.
"The SkyPanels were used as perfect shadowless key lights for the curved white cycs, as well as a scenic centerpiece and perimeter elements," said the LD. "We also really liked the strobe effects that come out of SkyPanels. They were very striking when used on camera for the right music moments.
The PXL Bars opened the show in a 260' circumference "light curtain" but then came back during the show as runway lights and in segments doing pixel chases for music.
The ETC SolaHyBeam 3000 moving lights did double duty as beam lights for the dance/music segments and as key lights for the fashion moments.
31 Robe BMFL Blades were used for backup key lights and were hung as high as possible in the armory grid. The GLP JDC1 fixtures were used for their typical strobe effects and as wash lights for the space due to their visual similarity to "construction lights."
Bernstein stated when asked about his challenges, "The challenge is mainly programming time. Each individual segment could easily have its own day of rehearsal, but we only had one day with haze and talent prior to the show for everything. That's where the skills of an experienced live TV programmer like Mark Butts and the power of Depence pre-vis come in handy."
Seth praised the service and gear from 4Wall, saying, "4Wall was essential to the process. I had a crazy idea to put the PXL Bars closer than ever in a circle configuration. 4Wall indulged in the idea and allowed us to do extensive testing in the shop to make the dream happen. They also supported our Theatrical Resources Production Electrician, Sarah Arnold, to an unparalleled degree. Our 4Wall team of Cassie and John were a dream!"
Bernstein concluded by emphasizing the importance of teamwork in events like this, saying, "These shows require teamwork, and I would like to give a shout out to Mark Butts (Programmer) Nick Couette (Earlybird Pre Vis Model Builder), Grace Tuchman (Staff Assistant), Niklas, Valtteri, James and Sophia from SUB, our amazing LOCAL ONE stagehands, and finally everyone at KCD."
Overall, the event was a great success, and LD Seth Bernstein's lighting design significantly brought the show to life. Bernstein concluded, "Every show has unique challenges, but when you have an amazing team and supportive partners like 4Wall, the result is always worth it."